My daughter, she’s not me…but you bet that I’ll cheer her on!

I know that my daughter listened to my advice, but she just chose to do something different. She made a move different from the one I would have done. I have to remember that she is not me.  Her choice, whether it was…forward, backward, sideways… whatever way… it was HER move.  She has been making responsible choices in HER game of life…. and all I can do is watch from the sidelines.  I believe in her and I know that she CAN do this! She is now woman who is making her own decisions. After all, she is an adult going somewhere….yes, she is paving HER way!

As a mother, all I can do is observe.  I watch and wonder what her next move will be. Of course, as any parent … I will judge, cringe, cry, applaud, celebrate, brag, get excited, and nervously anticipate her every move. Most of all, I will pray, because that is something that I can DO! Seriously, praying is what I have always done and must continue doing for her. 

Not so long ago, I was her teacher, her support, and her guide. Now I am her cheerleader and retired coach. It is so easy to forget that she is no longer under my wing of protection. She is no longer my charge, or my student.  I have a hard time realizing that she no longer wants my advice. Honestly, I’m not sure that I know how to give her support without bits of advice! I must accept this is new reality. She does not want or need my advice on her next move. This is just something every parent must recognize… when their child is an adult, or ready to go on their own.  

The time has come for her solo flight!  I wistfully hope that she’ll do better than I did at her age! In many ways, she has already done better!  Her choices have been different, but her options have been different, perhaps better.  Her life has been better, I hope.  More than anything, she does life differently…and much different than I taught her. The truth is that she IS different. She is my daughter, but she is NOT me.  I realize that she’s going to make some mistakes, because I did.  More than likely, she is going to make some of the same mistakes.  However, she is already better than me at many things.  This is something that I love too see!  This is what I anticipate as I look forward to watching my daughter live HER life! 

My adult child is doing it her way, making her own moves, and teaching me new things as she lives life fully.  I hope she’ll notice me smiling proudly, just as I used to do when she was little.  All I want is for my daughter to feel at peace with all she does.

On Submitting…and the Desires of Your Heart…

Homeschooling was a “calling” for me. As for my husband, God called him a couple of years later. Waiting on God to call my husband was a serious lesson in marital submission, which has been an ongoing lesson in my life. Coming from a long line of fierce women, I have yet to master submission, even after 35 years of marriage! I write this to impress the importance of respecting your husband’s role as the spiritual leader of the family. Even if you feel that God has called you to do something. Wait, on the Lord’s perfect timing!
This happened back when I was a brand-new Christian, fresh from the apron strings of Bible Study Fellowship, and at a turning point in my life. I was a busy mom with two young daughters that kept me hopping between babysitters and nannies. My heart was ready to stay home, because I was pregnant with our third child. I had been working in my husband’s dental office and chipping away at classes at WSU to finish my college degree. When Mark and I married, I uprooted my life to move to Wichita. I had been making friends with his friends, and as I met their wives, I noticed most had careers or one to fall back on. This left me with a hard choice, whether to continue broadening my options while helping my husband expand his business, or be a stay home mom. My desire to homeschool had been growing, so I was praying for direction.
To be honest, I really hoped Mark would expand the office. The idea had not occurred to him, since I tend to be the dreamer of “the next big thing”. One night I could not sleep, so I got up and found some blueprint paper. (No, I didn’t just have it on hand… this was premeditated.) I spent a few hours, while everyone was in bed, drawing up a design to-scale of what could be done with the extra space next-door to his office. (No, the space was not available yet… but I knew it would be perfect!) The next day, something told me to hide the blueprint from Mark. (Maybe it was the verse that says, “The heart of her husband safely trusts in her, so that he shall have no lack of gain”.) A short time later, the office space became available! Thank you God, just as I thought! I prayed for the right words, and casually mentioned to Mark…the extra space would sure be great.
Of course, Mark couldn’t see how it would work, or what he would do with all that space. That’s when I, his better half, stepped in. Well, dear husband dear…Voila! I whipped out the blueprint scroll and spread it out on the table. I was so proud of my great idea! Mark simply stood there, not saying a word. He shook his head in disbelief. With some embarrassment, I looked at him, scratched my head and smiled, “Well, I was just sayin….”
Yes, God was at work in our growing family, listening to our prayers and teaching us lessons in marriage and finances. Did I mention that we were involved with Crown Ministries Financial Bible Study? The main goal in Crown is to avoid going into debt. I had a lot to pray about (and a lot to learn)! Was it God’s will for Mark to expand the business, and go into debt? Did God want me to continue to work outside the home? Or was it God’s will for me to stay home? Was I meant to homeschool? As I prayed, I laid out a “fleece” for the Lord to give me a sign. I prayed, “Lord, if you want me to stay home, then you will let me know.”
Meanwhile, Mark had contractors look at my plans and draw up their own. They gave him estimates as he talked to bankers. Mark called me from the office the same week that I had laid out “my fleece prayer”. I remember his voice, it sounded grave and seriously sad. He slowly explained why he just could not go into debt. I could tell that he really didn’t want to let me down. But my answer was easy, “Of course, honey, I understand.” And I really did understand. God had given me the sign I asked for! For a moment, I was disappointed, but that soon changed to a feeling of anticipation. I knew that God’s plans would be better!
During the wait, I had been teaching our two daughters to read and do simple math problems. (I knew God had called me, so I was not going to sit on my hands while I was still waiting for Mark!) I also volunteered at my daughter’s public school the first semester, while she was in first grade. The next semester, my husband got involved with the PTA with a group of men. All the time, I prayed and prayed and prayed. I knew that God was at work behind the scenes, even while I was crying my eyes out, and praying. Truly, I did not pester my husband, but the next year I did ask him to go to the kindergarten round-up, when it was time for our second daughter.
At the parent meeting, my husband asked the kindergarten teacher what she hoped to accomplish during the year of kindergarten. “Reading preparedness and simple math problems,” was her happy answer. (Our daughter was already doing both.) That night, to my surprise, Mark came home and announced that he had decided that we should homeschool! It was already August! This meant not just Kindergarten, but 2nd grade too! Mind you, I had no curriculum, and now we had and a toddler son to keep me busy too, but I was mentally prepared to get going! Friends had told me to “Be careful of what you pray for!” Let me pass this on to you! And, yes, wait on the Lord’s perfect timing! Be assured that it will not happen on your timeline, but God will answer your prayer in a way he chooses to bless you.
Incidentally, the commercial landlord had a hard time leasing out the space next door to Mark’s dental office. Knowing that Mark wanted the space, the landlord made a low offer that Mark couldn’t refuse! With the help from his dad (who had built his first house) and Mark’s handy brother, and my awesome blueprint plan… they created a perfectly great and very affordable office expansion. Yes, God will give you the desires of your heart.

Scripture to consider:
Psalms 27:14; 33:20; 37:3-7, 34; 40:1; 59:9; 62:1,5; 130:5-6
Lamentations 3:24-26; Micah 7:7
Proverbs 31:11-12
Judges 6: 36-40