God showed up, again… 7/20

We had a great 4th of July with friends and neighbors watching our adult kids shoot off fireworks. Our backyard looks out over the golf course, so with the money we all chipped in, they gave us a huge display. The grandkids were too young to fire them off, so they watched the bright colors flash in the night sky. They clutched their ears with every band and boom, even though they wore ear protectors. The next day, they all packed up and drove back to their homes, miles away in other states. I was left alone in the empty house, picking up and thinking of what was next on my calendar.

Another surgery. I began mentally preparing myself to face a total hysterectomy. The last annual check-up with my OB/gyn doctor hadn’t gone well. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. The word cancer echoed in my head like a haunting chant. When I talked to my daughters, the elder daughter, Robin, insisted I call the Mayo Clinic, rather than having surgery here in Wichita. I’ve always needed special care. Since I had my third open-heart surgery there in 2000, I had kept up having on-going care in Rochester at Mayo. I was their patient, so they would see me. I just had to decide if I wanted to make the 9 hour trip away from my home in Kansas.

Robin called that Sunday evening to remind me to send my medical records to Mayo. She is persuasive and persistent. (Her persistence helped her get through dental school and open three offices.) On Monday morning, she texted me again. I think she knew that I didn’t want to go out of town. To be honest, I was already tired of the doctor appointments and pre-surgery testing. I didn’t want the hassle of signing the forms and sending the records to Mayo, just to start the process all over again! Surgery was already scheduled in Wichita for August 24th. I was uneasy waiting that long with cancer in my body, but I didn’t think Mayo could get me in any sooner.

Robin called again on Monday night. She wanted to know if I had contacted my doctors in Wichita to send the records. My 30ish daughter was parenting me! I didn’t want to lie or argue with her. I told her that I had not. Robin repeated all the reasons (again) why this was so important. She ended with, “You’ll never know if Mayo can see you sooner if you don’t try!”

That night, I prayed for peace about my decision. When I pray, God speaks in a very quiet way. God reminded me to look at my calendar. On my calendar was an appointment with my Wichita pulmonologist that I had made it 3 months ago. It was for a recheck and I didn’t need to go, but since I hadn’t cancelled it… I had to go.

The appointment went well, and then I told Dr. Abed about the endometrial cancer. I explained the diagnosis was made May 13th, but surgery would not be until August 24th. Although I was hesitant, I mention that I had considered calling Mayo. He agreed with my daughter. His concerned expression let me know that I shouldn’t wait until August. Before I left, I signed a medical release for the Mayo Clinic.

As I was walking to my car, I realized (or God reminded me) that the three doctors’ offices, where I needed to sign releases, were only a half-mile away. This was during the peak of Covid, so going to three medical offices would be an ordeal. I put on my mask, used my hand sanitizer, and brought my own pen to go to each office. Having done that, I stopped by my cardiologist’s office to sign for all the tests they had run. The echocardiogram, pacemaker interrogation, and medical stress test was needed for cardiology to give me clearance for surgery. Like I said, I was tired of the process necessary for this surgery.

Two days after I signed the releases, nurse Anne, from the Mayo Clinic. They had received all the medical records, however, they needed the actual echocardiogram and sonogram, not just the reports. Then she asked if I would like to set up an appointment with the surgeon. A virtual consultation appointment was scheduled for the next Tuesday, on July 14th. This was definitely unexpected!

I wasted no time getting what Mayo needed. I remembered the echo technician, Jason, who performed the echocardiagram at St. Francis hospital. He knew where to find the exact recording Mayo needed and agreed to ship it overnight. By the end of the week, the Mayo Clinic had all records and tests needed from my four Wichita doctors. Everything they needed was in their hands! When God does something, he does it very well.

My appointment was with the head of the Gynologic Oncology Surgery Department. On Google, I learned that the doctor, Sean Dowdy, was one of the most published researchers in the kind of cancer that I had. When I read this, I got chills. It was as if God was right above me. I took a deep breath, looked up, and said, “Well, now you’re just showing off!” I fell to my knees to thank my amazing Heavenly Father who never fails to show up when I really need him.

On Tuesday, the virtual appointment with Dr. Dowdy went well, with nurse Anne on board. My heart condition concerns were discussed. Dr. Dowdy agreed with the diagnosis. I fidgeted at bit before I asked when he would be available to do the surgery. Without hesitation, he simply said as early as that Friday. Not sure that I heard right, I asked him to repeat that he meant that same week! I was stunned. Stammering, I asked if we could make it the week after that, on July 20th.

Now, imagine if my daughter had not pressed me to send my records to the Mayo Clinic. Then, imagine if I had not prayed, because that was when I realized that I had to see Dr. Abed. The appointment was on Tuesday after my “kids” left to go home to Colorado and Kansas City. When they leave, I’m always depressed for a few days, so I know that I would have missed looking at my calendar. I know that God reminded me. Also, imagine how the cancer might have changed over one month, even though the doctors had said that this was unlikely. Honestly, imagine if I had not listened to my daughter. Imagine if I had not trusted God.

Instead, I am healing better than I expected! I ended up having surgery at one of the best hospitals in the country. God gave me the best surgeon I could have found! (Dr. Dowdy said it was the luck of the draw that I got him, but I say… there is no such thing as luck!)

I write this to tell you that God is able to take the worst possible situation and turn it around. When He does something like this, shouldn’t we tell everyone? In the olden days, or in Old Testament stories, an altar was built at the spot where God showed up. The altar was built as a memorial of God’s undeniable work. This is what Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Gideon, and David did to commemorate God’s help in their life. This is why I write about my memories. God’s undeniable presence and monumental work in our lives should be noted, recalled, retold, and set in stone for all to see!

I believe that God loves to answer our prayers. He constantly cares for us. He wants us to ask Him, prayerfully talk to Him, and keep a dialogue about our needs. And He promises to show up. He will show you in some way, in a very personal way, and you will know that He is there for you.

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“O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.” Isaiah 25:1

“Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.” Psalm 9:10