My daughter, she’s not me…but you bet that I’ll cheer her on!

I know that my daughter listened to my advice, but she just chose to do something different. She made a move different from the one I would have done. I have to remember that she is not me.  Her choice, whether it was…forward, backward, sideways… whatever way… it was HER move.  She has been making responsible choices in HER game of life…. and all I can do is watch from the sidelines.  I believe in her and I know that she CAN do this! She is now woman who is making her own decisions. After all, she is an adult going somewhere….yes, she is paving HER way!

As a mother, all I can do is observe.  I watch and wonder what her next move will be. Of course, as any parent … I will judge, cringe, cry, applaud, celebrate, brag, get excited, and nervously anticipate her every move. Most of all, I will pray, because that is something that I can DO! Seriously, praying is what I have always done and must continue doing for her. 

Not so long ago, I was her teacher, her support, and her guide. Now I am her cheerleader and retired coach. It is so easy to forget that she is no longer under my wing of protection. She is no longer my charge, or my student.  I have a hard time realizing that she no longer wants my advice. Honestly, I’m not sure that I know how to give her support without bits of advice! I must accept this is new reality. She does not want or need my advice on her next move. This is just something every parent must recognize… when their child is an adult, or ready to go on their own.  

The time has come for her solo flight!  I wistfully hope that she’ll do better than I did at her age! In many ways, she has already done better!  Her choices have been different, but her options have been different, perhaps better.  Her life has been better, I hope.  More than anything, she does life differently…and much different than I taught her. The truth is that she IS different. She is my daughter, but she is NOT me.  I realize that she’s going to make some mistakes, because I did.  More than likely, she is going to make some of the same mistakes.  However, she is already better than me at many things.  This is something that I love too see!  This is what I anticipate as I look forward to watching my daughter live HER life! 

My adult child is doing it her way, making her own moves, and teaching me new things as she lives life fully.  I hope she’ll notice me smiling proudly, just as I used to do when she was little.  All I want is for my daughter to feel at peace with all she does.

Published by

Kelly Huenergardt

I am a born again Christian, who was naturally born in1957 with a congenital heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot. I had less than 50% chance of survival. Miraculously, I survived two open-heart surgeries in1962 at the Cleveland Clinic, then a pulmonary valve replacement in '00, and a pacemaker in '12 at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. My husband, Mark, has stayed by my side for these 32 years and we have been given three beautiful children. Having a family has shown me that life is not all about me, my needs, or my own selfish desires. Their sustaining love and support gives me good reason to rise up above my physical circumstances each day. When I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I experienced a supernatural rebirth that regenerated my defected heart. God excised the rottenness from my heart of flesh to give me a renewed spiritually healthy heart. Such an eventful "rebirth" has transformed this miserable sinner into a beautiful work of grace. God's infallible Word has slowly healed the wounds in my heart that no doctor on earth could find or reach. It is my hope that any words that I write would reflect this healing. May the words of my heart express the wholeness that Jesus offers to all that call on His name.

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